The Ceremony of Honoring the Distinguished Researchers of Yazd University in 2021, with the Introduction and Celebration of 21 Faculty Members Who are the Researchers in Different Research Categories was held this Evening on Wednesday, December 29, 2021 in the Farhang Hall of this University.
In this ceremony, the Head of Yazd University, appreciating the unremitting efforts of researchers and scientific elites of the country, considered their support as the duty and mission of all officials of the Islamic Republic. "The emphasis of the Supreme Leader in this field and his special efforts in supporting the elites has offered a conclusive argument," pointed out Dr. Kalantari, the Head of Yazd University.
Referring to some of the challenges and financial difficulties in his speech, Dr. Abbas Kalantari Khalilabad said, " This year, more than 90% of the budget is necessarily allocated to salaries, but we hope that satisfactory evolvements will be made in research budgets, considering the planned arrangements for financing and providing research facilities and incentives.”
Presenting a report on the selection process of distinguished university researchers based on the approved regulations, the Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology announced the selection of the university's distinguished research facilitator for the second consecutive year and added, “The University is obliged to honor the services of the people who make it possible to conclude Yazd University Recognized its 21 Distinguished Researchers this Year.
contracts and increase the university's own revenues through consultation with various institutions and sections of society as well as industry every year.”
Dr. Vali Derhami continued his speech by listing some of the most important challenges in the field of research and technology and said, "Unfortunately, the migration of elites and knowledge forces, reducing the motivation of faculty members and students along with increasing their livelihood problems and various economic challenges make the situation difficult for activities in this field." He cited the unpredictability of equipment prices, the impossibility of planning and the failure to fulfil promises are among the adverse consequences of this situation. "We hope to overcome these problems with the support of senior officials and the decision-making bodies of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology," Dr. Derhami added.
Being introduced and honored as the top researcher of the university this year, Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Khabiri, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering, received a letter of thanks from the Head of the university, and in a short speech asked for funding to equip laboratories and workshops. He also called on the authorities to make the necessary arrangements to establish research and development offices (R&D) in the industry, so that a two-way relationship can be established between the industry and the university, and various industries can play their role in strengthening this relationship through these offices.
At the end of the ceremony, 21 distinguished researchers of the university were honored as follows:
Top 1% of the World's Scientists:
Dr. Mohammad Mazloum Ardakani from the Department of Chemistry
Dr. Bijan Davaz from the Department of Mathematical Sciences
The Country's Scientific Leaders:
Dr. Mohammad Mazloum Ardakani from the Department of Chemistry
Dr. Mehdi Hassanzadeh from the Department of Textile Engineering
Top University Researchers:
Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Khabiri from the Department of Civil Engineering
Dr. Ali Talebi from the School of Natural Resources and Desert Studies
Top Researcher of the School of Art & Architecture:
Dr. Seyedeh Zeinab Emadian Razavi
Top Researcher of the School of Natural Resources:
Dr. Mohammad Ali Hakimzadeh Ardakani
Top Researchers of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences:
Dr. Mohammad Reza Rezaei from the Department of Geography
Dr. Seyed Mohammad Tabatabai Nasab from the Department of Economics, Management and Accounting
Dr. Ahmad Kalateh Sadati from the Department of Social Sciences
Top Researchers of the Faculty of Science:
Dr. Mohammad Mazloum from the Department of Chemistry
Dr. Ghasem Brid Loghmani from the Department of Mathematical Sciences
Dr. Abolfazl Mirjalili from the Department of Physics
Top Researchers of the Faculty of Engineering:
Dr. Yahya Zare Mehrjerdi from the Department of Industrial Engineering
Dr. Jamshid Aboui from the Department of Electrical Engineering
Dr. Fazlollah Adibnia from the Department of Computer Engineering
Distinguished Young Researcher:
Dr. Mehdi Sabkrou from the Department of Economics, Management and Accounting
Research and Technology Facilitator:
Dr. Alireza Yarahmadi from the Department of Mining & Metallurgical Engineering
Top Researchers of Functional Plans:
Dr. Mohammad Reza Ekhtesasi from the School of Natural Resources & Desert Studies
Dr. Abdolhamid Ansari from the Department of Mining & Metallurgical Engineering
Dr. Seyed Akbar Mostafavi from the Department of Computer Engineering