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  • Achivements
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Achivements-An Article contributed by Textile Engineering Department was selected as one of the best papers in the Turkish Polymer and Fiber Research Symposium.
According to a report received from the Textile Engineering Department, the article was written by Milad Atighi and Moein Jalali, two Master's students, under the supervision of Dr. Seyed Mansour Bidoki and Dr. Mehdi Hasanzadeh, faculty members of the Textile Engineering Department.
[5/23/2023 May]  
Achivements-An essential oil analysis laboratory was launched at Yazd University.
The head of the Central Laboratory at Yazd University announced the launch of an essential oil analysis laboratory equipped with the most up-to-date GC-MS device (Agilent GC 8890 - MS 5977) with an HP-5 column.
[5/22/2023 May]  
Achivements-A Faculty member of Yazd University was honored and appreciated as an exemplar for the faculty members of Iran’s universities.
The honoring ceremony for the distinguished faculty members of Iran was held on Teacher’s Day at Shahid Beheshti University, in which Dr. Hassan Hosseini, a faculty member of Industrial Engineering, was honored and appreciated in the presence of the Minister of Science, Research, and technology.
[5/3/2023 May]  
Achivements-The Yazd University prided itself on taking the second place in Olympics, by an International student.
Taking the second place in Olympics in table Tennis races
Kobra Hezarei, an international student of Yazd University, coming from Afghanistan, could successfully take the second place in table Tennis races in the first round of the international students’ Olympics, held among all international students all over the country.
[11/30/2022 November]  
Achivements-Three faculty members of YU were chosen to be among the top one percent of the world's distinguished scientists.
Based on the latest ESI (Essential Science Indicators) ranking results in 2022
According to the report released by International Scientific Cooperation Office (ISCO), 840 Iranian researchers are among the most cited researchers, I.e. the top one percent of the world’s distinguished scientists, based on the latest ESL (Essential Science Indicators) ranking results in 2022.
[11/27/2022 November]