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  • Achivements
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Achivements-Production of Algae and Biotechnology Products in Industrial and Technology Campus of Yazd University
Using Extraction and Purification Methods
Hakim Protozoan Biotechnology Company, located in Industrial and Technology Campus of Yazd University, succeeded in producing a variety of algal and biotechnological products using indigenous knowledge and students of this university.
[3/9/2022 March]  
Achivements-A Graduate of Yazd University Won the Award of a Specialized Association in Europe.
Introducing the Best Doctoral Dissertation
A former graduate of Yazd University in the fields of Computer Science and Mathematical Sciences won the award for the best doctoral dissertation of the European Association for Programming Languages and Systems (EAPLS) entitled "Parametric Advances and Algebraic Geometry in Static Program Analysis".
[2/12/2022 February]  
Achivements-Yazd University Recognized its 21 Distinguished Researchers this Year.
A Ceremony was held to Honor the Distinguished Researchers of the University
The Ceremony of Honoring the Distinguished Researchers of Yazd University in 2021, with the Introduction and Celebration of 21 Faculty Members Who are the Researchers in Different Research Categories was held this Evening on Wednesday, December 29, 2021 in the Farhang Hall of this University.
[1/22/2022 January]  
Achivements-Top Student Researchers and Technologists of Yazd University in 2021 were Introduced.
Announced by the Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology of Yazd University The
The names of twelve top student researchers and technologists of Yazd University in 2021, announced by the Vice Chancellor of Research and Technology of Yazd University, were published.
[1/22/2022 January]  
Achivements-The Concrete Team of the Department of Civil Engineering of Yazd University was Honored Again.
Winning Three Top Places in the Annual Competition of the International American Concrete Institute (ACI)
The concrete team of the Department of Civil Engineering, Yazd University, once again won the top three places with its new members in the 24th annual competition of the International American Concrete Institute (ACI) - Iran branch.
[1/22/2022 January]