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  • Achivements
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Achivements-MoU Signed between Yazd University and EMU, North Cyprus
MoU between YU and EMU
Recognizing the importance of active engagement of academic members and researchers and in order to expand the academic relationships, this Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Yazd University, and Eastern Mediterranean University.
[5/9/2018 May]  
Achivements-MoU Signed between Yazd University and Sapienza University, Italy
MoU between YU and SU
MoU Signed between Yazd University and Sapienza University, Italy.
[5/9/2018 May]  
Achivements-A Memorandum of Understanding Signed between Iran & Hungary
MoU between Iran & Hungary
International & Scientific Cooperation Office (ISCO) reported that a MoU Signed between Iran & Hungary.
[5/9/2018 May]  
Achivements-Yazd University, Among the First 12 Non-Medical Universities of Iran
2017-2018 World University Ranking
The University Ranking by Academic Performance announced 2017-2018 world university ranking.
[5/9/2018 May]