The mission of the Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering is to:
-Provide students with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to successfully meet challenges in today's mining and industrial sectors.
-Graduate technically competent and educated mining and metallurgy engineers who stay abreast of technological developments and innovations.
-Offer solutions for sectorial problems through scientific and industrial projects in collaboration with mining and metallurgical industries.
The department offers three programs in Mining Exploration, Mining Exploitation, and Metallurgy at the bachelor's, master's, and Ph.D. levels for both Iranian and foreign students. Annually, the department admits approximately 130 bachelor's, 130 master's, and 20 Ph.D. students specializing in Mining Exploration, Petroleum Exploration, Mining Exploitation, Mineral Processing, Metallurgy, and Ceramic Engineering. With over 26 full-time academic members who have diverse and up-to-date research interests, the department aims to provide a comprehensive education and research experience for its students.