The *Scientific Journal of Analytical and Numerical Methods in Mining Engineering*, owned by Yazd University, has been recognized as a scientific and research journal by the Commission of Scientific Publications of the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology since its third issue (Spring and Summer 2012), based on permit number 3/18/189584. Initially, this journal was published biannually, but according to permit number 3/18/176114 dated 2018/10/15, the publication frequency was changed from biannual to quarterly.
- Country of Publication: Iran
- Electronic ISSN: 2676-6795
- Specialized Fields: Mining Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Engineering Geology
- Journal Status: Scientific
-Journal Ranking: A (Scientific Journals Portal)
- Journal Language: Persian and English
- Publication Frequency: Quarterly
- Publication Type: Print and Electronic
- Review Type: Double-blind peer review
- Article Submission Fee: Free
- Article Review and Publication Fee: Free
- Access to Articles: Open access
- Use of Plagiarism Detection System Before Review: Yes (HamtaJoo System)
- Capability to Print Promotional Posters for Technology and Knowledge-based Companies: Yes