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  Department of Textile Engineering

The Department of Textile Engineering started its activity in 1990 offering an undergraduate degree in Textile Engineering. In a plan to expand its activities, the Department began offering graduate programs for the Master of Science (MSc) and Doctoral of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in 2003 and 2011, respectively. It is one of the oldest departments of Yazd University and is active in the fields of textile chemistry, textile technology, and clothing at B.Sc., M.Sc. and PhD levels. Currently, the department enjoys the collaboration of 20 academic staff to carry a total of 514 full time students.
Our vision is to be an educational department that provides an education at the international level and research-based solution providers to the industry.
The department of Textile Engineering aims to provide a quality education to produce professionals with adequate knowledge, skills and attitude for successful career in textile industry as well as other related industries.

  Field of Study
Textile Chemistry 
Textile Technology 
Clothing Science 
Textile Chemistry and Dyes 
Textile Technology 
Textile Fibers 
Clothing Sciences 
Textile Technology (TT)