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Research Groups

1- The nano pigments and coatings laboratory activities started since 2013 in Physics Department of Yazd University. It is a part of Research Center for Ceramics in Yazd University. Based on the road map of Physics Department, these activities are in the following five areas: 

  •  Physics and chemistry of interfaces
  •  Fabrication of nano ceramic pigments: yellow, beige, pink, brown, blue and black
  •  Fabrication of nano ceramic inks for digital printing on tile and ceramics
  •  Digital and self-clean glazes on tile and ceramics
  •  DFT/TDDFT calculation of physical properties for nano ceramics


2- Our activities are in two branches including applied plasma physics and laser physics. The following areas are our mission:

  • Vacuum thin film &Coatings (CVD &PVD)
  • Laser Raman Spectroscopy 
  • Nanophysics 
  • Nanofiltration and water treatment