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The Indigenous Architecture Research Center at Yazd University

Background and Evolution:

Established in 2006 as the Golestan Architecture Research Center, the Indigenous Architecture Research Center at Yazd University has since evolved into an institute dedicated to the study and preservation of indigenous architectural practices.

Mission and Objectives: The institute's mission is to gather and integrate knowledge from urban, architectural, and indigenous sources, applying this wisdom to contemporary architectural practices. It focuses on utilizing indigenous resources to enhance and develop architectural designs in alignment with national development objectives.

Main Objectives:

Preservation of Indigenous Heritage Assets: Safeguarding valuable national heritage found within indigenous architecture.

Promotion of Indigenous Materials: Encouraging the use of eco-friendly indigenous materials.

Energy Optimization: Emphasizing energy-efficient architectural techniques.

Conservation and Revitalization: Sustainable preservation and restoration of indigenous structures.

Advancement Through Indigenous Knowledge: Incorporating indigenous wisdom into modern architectural advancements.

Research Groups:

Clay-made Architecture: Enhancing clay-made architectural practices through contemporary research.

Indigenous Urbanism: Blending indigenous urban planning with modern approaches for sustainable cities.

Art and Handicrafts: Preserving and developing indigenous artistic traditions.

Clay-made Structures: Designing earthquake-resistant structures to revive clay-made architecture.


Dr. Hossein Maddavipour leads the Indigenous Architecture Research Center as Head. For more information about his background and contributions, please visit his profile on the official website of Yazd University: