Hits : 1191
Date of Release : July 24, 2019
On the sidelines of the 1st IHRC Conference
Visit of the Academic Delegation of Hungary to Science and Technology Park and Yazd Reproductive Sciences Institute

The Hungarian academic delegation who came to Yazd to participate in the first Iranian-Hungarian Rectors’ Conference (IHRC) visited Yazd Science and Technology Park and Yazd Reproductive Sciences Institute on 29 April 2019. Dr. Shahram Shokoohi, the vice-president of the Science and Technology Park, made a speech about the history, activities and the structure of the park during this visit. The Director of International Affairs in the park, Dr. Mohammad Ghavidl, went on to report on the number of companies active in the park and emphasized the willingness of the center to expand international cooperation.

During visiting Yazd Reproductive Sciences Institute, Dr. Aflatounian, the head of the center, also provided explanations about the history of the center as well as the structure. Visiting the different sections of this center, The Hungarian delegation got familiar with the process and kinds of activities of the center.

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