About Leading House (Focal Point) 

Focal points are key universities selected by Iran's Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology (MSRT) with the aim of bridging the scientific relations between Iranian universities and research centers with those of the targeted country. In other words, a focal point paves the way to establish and enhance scientific cooperation between the two countries. Programming, coordinating, and synergizing the cooperative scientific activities between institutions of the two countries is considered as the focal points' main mission.


  • Designing, programming, and executing programs of extending scientific cooperation with the targeted country with the help of  member universities and research institutes.
  • Preparing and executing joint academic programs, faculty and student exchange, joint research projects, sabbatical leaves, scientific meetings, workshops and conferences and all other programs which help deepen and extend mutual scientific cooperation.
  • Objectives

  • Synergizing and decentralizing MSRT's international scientific activities. 
  • Directing responsibilities of center of international and scientific cooperation toward policy making, monitoring, supporting, and evaluating international scientific activities of universities and research institutes.
  • Using potentials of universities and research institutes in order to extend international scientific cooperation.
  • Focusing on internationalization as an important principle in scientific interactions.
  • Specifying priorities of international scientific cooperation based on objectives, requirements and facilities.
  • Leading international scientific relations toward content-based cooperation.
  • Notes

  • National Committee: A committee consisting of the focal point's head, deputy or director of international affairs and the expert specified for the cooperation with the targeted country as well as the members.
  • National Committee's Head: Head of the university or research institute selected as the focal point of international scientific relations for two years by MSRT's deputy for international affairs.
  • Head of the national committee's secretariat: Focal point's deputy or director of international affairs.
  • Head of the national committee can be reelected for another two-year term by the members in-favor vote and agreement of the MSRT's deputy for international affairs.
  • Head of the national committee can invite new members from among universities and research institutes.
  • Universities and research institutes can independently establish international scientific cooperation in the framework of laws and regulations. The focal point just plays its role as the facilitator, programmer, and coordinator of the international scientific cooperation. 
  • Duties

  • Holding the national committees' sessions regularly.
  • Issuing invitations for the members.
  • Sending the sessions' reports regularly to MSRT's center of international and scientific cooperation.
  • Monitoring and scanning the international scientific cooperation of the targeted country and providing the members with the news.
  • Codifying short term, midterm, and long term programs for international scientific cooperation with the targeted country.
  • Programming and managing academic visits and travels from both sides.
  •  Identifying priorities of cooperation with the targeted country.
  • Investigating the possibility of having a special room of cooperation in one of the universities of the targeted country.
  • Any other mission assigned by MSRT's center of international and scientific cooperation office.


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